BY: Fr Peter Gabriel Okon
Bar 5:1-9, Phil 1:4-6, 8-11, Luke 3:1-6
Today the second Sunday of Advent, the Liturgy brings us the message of the greatest of the preachers of Advent, John the Baptist. Advent focuses on preparing us, heart, mind, soul and body for the coming of Christ and John the Baptist’s message in summary is ‘prepare the way for the Lord’. John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.(Mark 1: 4) The question is, what ought we to do in order to be prepared for the coming of the Saviour? How do we appropriate the message of John the Baptist today?
All the readings today reveal God’s immense love for us and the promise to meet us in the new Kingdom and an appeal for repentance and reformation on our part. Through the prophet Baruch in the first reading God promised to restore Israel. However the people on their part must accent to the divine initiative by due preparations. Thus, the Prophet Baruch exhorted the people to “take off the garment of sorrow and afflictions and put on for ever the beauty of the glory from God”(Baruch 5:1). The exile is ending and God is leading His people to a new beginning. Baruch chooses familiar images of valley being raised, and mountains levelled up to portray the needed preparedness for a smooth return to Jerusalem and to God Himself.
St Paul in the second reading expresses faith that God who began the good work in us, will bring it to completion at the coming of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). Paul’s confidence and faith in God encourages us not to loose heart in the face of challenges and difficulties but to remain steadfast and unwavering for God is always at work preparing us for a future, filled with hope.
Beloved in Christ, the promise of restoration is not just for the Israelites of old, but for us also who are the new Israel. However, we are urged to remove everything that prevents us from making ready the path for a smooth movement and union with the Lord.
At the heart of the message of John is repentance, metanoia – a complete turn around. Our repentance is to be seen in the efforts we make to level the various mountains of sin:, of hatred, envy, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, forgery, selfishness, greed, injustice, slander, gossip and all forms of inhumane and devilish attitudes toward others, to make way for the Lord to come in and dwell in our hearts and lives. As the new Israel, a new creation, which we are in Christ, we must let go of old things, including our sins, and embrace the new life in Christ, where death has no more power over us.
Yielding to the cries of John the Baptist to level up every valley calls us to live every day as though it were our last, in watchful and prayerful anticipation of the coming of the Lord and judge of the living and the death. Note that, there can never be a time we will be fully and completely prepared hundred percent, however we can make the best effort to set our hearts afire in love for God at all times. Inspired by such loving disposition, our “feet” will be drawn evermore nearer and closely hastening to meet Him, whom we have loved wholeheartedly. Our eyes will be fixed unwaveringly on Him, who alone can save us.
The King is coming, so let us mend our lives. One very important essence of advent is to help us grow in virtues while doing away with vices. To grow in virtue, we must not conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed in mind and heart (cf. Romans 12:2). Always, the point of departure must be confession and reconciliation. Let us therefore appropriate the sacrament of penance or reconciliation to purify our hearts and minds, laying off our burdens of sins and take up the armor of light to meet with Jesus Christ, our King and God.
May God grant us the grace to hearken to the voice of John the Baptist, level all mountains and fill up valleys of our lives, in readiness to welcome the Messiah through Christ our Lord Amen.
Wishing you a very happy Sunday.
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