


BY: Fr Peter Gabriel Okon

Jeremiah 31:7-9; Hebrews 5:1-6; Mark 10:46-52

The message of today fills us with hope and consolation. The first reading from the prophecy of Jeremiah reminds us of the boundless mercy of God. Despite the sins of the Israelites leading to their exiles, God promised to keep His covenant, to bring back his people, to restore the lame, blind, vulnerable women and children. This restoration foreshadows the spiritual restoration and renewal of all things through Jesus Christ, who is the high priest of our faith, referred to in the second reading from Hebrews 5:1-6. Through Jesus Christ, mankind is brought back home to God from wondering in the wilderness of sin. The Gospel narrates the restoration of the eyesight to Bartimaeus by Jesus Christ. The highpoint of this miracle of restoration is the persistent cry of the blind Bartimaeus, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me”.


The Blind Bartimaeus, whose name means “son of honour” lived in contradiction to his name. He had a lot of obstacles working against him. For instance, his inability to see, his social status, (a poor beggar) et cetera. However, Bartimaeus had one thing in his favour – faith. With the strength of his faith and against the rebuke of the crowd he shouted persistently “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Mark10: 47). With his faith in Jesus Christ, he was able to conquer every other obstacles and gained his vision again.

The cry “Son of David, have mercy on me” was very brief but profoundly reflective of his knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ. The blind Bartimaeus linked Jesus to his messianic root (son of David) and holding on to that, made his supplication, “have mercy on me”. Notice that Bartimaeus did not asked to be healed of blindness immediately, which was his obvious need, but went deeper to request for mercy, because with the mercy of God comes wholesome healing and restoration. Despite being blind, Bartimaeus recognized Jesus not just as the son of Joseph, but as the promised messiah. Whereas, the learned Chief Priests, Elders and the Scribes lacked such insight and questioned the authority of Jesus (Mark 11:27-33, Matt 21:23-27, Luke 20:1-8 ). They had functional eyes but lacked spiritual vision and faith. Bartemeus on the other hand lacked functional eyes but had great insight and faith. Faith is the greatest currency in the divine economy.

Bartimaeus was blind, but there was more about him than blindness. He was also the believing Bartimaeus. He manifested an unwavering faith in Jesus, he recognized Jesus to be the promised messiah, son of David. Today we have many “believers”, who are spiritually blind. We have many “believers” who are living in the world of darkness despite the light of Christ. We have many “believers” who are drowned in the crowd lacking the voice of faith, to cry out like Bartimaeus “Son of David, have mercy on me”. We have many “believers” who are unbelieving. “Believers” who seek miracles of Jesus Christ but not Jesus Christ himself. Bartimaeus after he received his sight, followed Jesus Christ, despite being sent forth by Jesus – “go your way, your faith has made you well”. May we not loose Jesus Christ, the Saviour Himself because of blindly seeking for miracles.

Dearest friends in Christ, today, let us reflect deeply on the level of our faith. Without faith in Jesus Christ, we are blind, going through life groping in darkness. The healing of Bartimaeus speaks more about faith, than his blindness. By his faith, Bartimaeus changed his story from blind Bartimaeus, to Believing Bartimaeus. By faith he restored the dignity of his name, “the son of honour”. With faith in Jesus Christ, we too can regain our lost vision and glory. Bartimaeus knocked on the gate of mercy, and mercy was shown him. We too can receive pardon if we knock with faith. Remember, Bartimaeus had his obstacles and so have we, but God has promised to keep His covenant with us, to renew all things in Christ. If we believe in Jesus, we will be renewed and restored. Remember, when the opposition is strongest, that is when we are closest to our miracle. Persist in knocking for your salvation is at hand.

We pray God to show us his mercy and heal us of every blindness, emotional, physical and spiritual so that we make seek and find the vision of His glory through Christ our Lord Amen.
Peace be with you!


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