Can one put on two pairs of shoes at once?
Can one sleep in two rooms simultaneously?
Can one drive in two cars at the same time?
The way some people struggle for riches and hoard them seem to suggest the possibility of any of the above propositions. Each time I read the story of the rich man and Lazarus in the gospel of Luke (16:19-31), I ask myself what the offence of the rich man was that he was tormented in Hades after his death and burial.
He committed no offence by been rich, been dressed in purple linen nor by feasting magnificently everyday. What then was his offence? Lazarus sat at the rich man’s gate longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table and dogs came to leak the sores of Lazarus. What did the rich man do about it? Nothing!
The above in my understanding was the offence of the rich man. Dear, whatever gift we have received from God, we must be willing to share generously with those in need.
Neglecting to show a little kindness in alms giving is capable of taking one’s soul to hell after death. As we pray, fast and abstain; let us give alms with cheerful hearts.
Prayer and fasting without charity is simply building an edifice without roofing it.
God help us.
–Fr Augustine Abiagom, cm.
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