
In the Catholic doctrine, we believe and teach that the church of Christ has three relational phases- THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT ( church of Christ in heaven ) THE CHURCH MILITANT( church of Christ on earth) and THE SUFFERING CHURCH (church of Christ in the Purgatory). These three help each other to make their final end – SALVATION OF THEIR SOULS.

Yesterday, we celebrated the TRIUMPHANT CHURCH(saints ) in constant reminding to other churches that their is hope and reward after these earthly struggles and sufferings to those who kept the commandments of God in all its righteousness and truth. We ask for their intercession to help us through from our own earthly journey and resue holy souls in Purgatory.

Today, the triumphant and militant churches remember the SUFFERING CHURCH( our departed brethren in Purgatory ) who have not reached their final destination( HEAVEN ). Prayers and works of mercy are offered in their name that God might pardon their sins and welcome them in his kingdom.

The belief in the reality of Purgatory has been a bone of contention with our separated brethren in the other faith who hold tenaciously the teaching of HEAVEN AND HELL ALONE. In a nutshell, Purgatory is biblically based. One problem of people is that they continue to look for word PURGATORY as they search ROSARY too. The Word Purgatory is implicitly built and found in the words of the scripture as Jesus refers to a STATE OF BEING when we die. To avoid unnecessary long reflection please cf.2Mac.12:39-46, Rev.21:27,Hab.1:13,Mtt.12:32,Mtt. 5:25-26,1Cor.3:11-15 etc (if not clearer enough refer back to me for more detailed explanation ).

Today is highly cherished and longed for by our departed brethren. It is a special day masses and prayers are offered for them. Call all the name of the fallen souls in your family ,friends and observe a little silence in deep passionate prayer for them . You can never know how many souls will be transporting to heaven . No one knows how his /her own end will look like or where to find yourself when you die. If you liberate any soul from Purgatory to heaven, you will never be abandoned when you die coming up to heaven. MAY THE SOULS OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED THROUGH THE MERCY OF GOD REST IN PEACE .

-Fr Boniface Ogonna

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