Holy Spirit


Moderator: Fr. Justin Nzekwe

DAY 4:

DAILY THEME: I will not leave you orphan

BIBLE PASSAGE: John 14: 15-26

REFLECTION: Jesus never wanted to leave us without the Holy Spirit. It was his plan that the Holy Spirit should feel the heart of all who believe, in order to teach them, comfort them, interceded for them, and do other things for them which they are incapable of doing as ordinary human beings. We are the ones who expel the Holy Spirit in our lives through sin, and making our heart uncomfortable for her. You have to promise God that you are going to prepare your heart with holiness so that the Spirit of God will come into your heart and fill you with her gifts. Don’t be left orphan!

Come Holy Spirit, I need you. Use me, possess me, overshadow me, consecrate me, work in me and through me. Fill me with your power and your unfathomable gifts. Recreate me that I may live a life in the spirit. Renew your church with the power of Pentecost, and revive me with the Pentecost experience. Come oh gift of Christ my Lord, so that I may never be left as an orphan. Build your home in me, make me a temple fit for thee. Come oh light divine, and dispel the darkness of my being. Come oh great intercessor and carry my prayers to God the Father in groans too deep for sound. Come oh tongues of fire and devour my fears, make me your worthy ambassador, and forever take control of my life. Amen.

I promise to live a holy life by avoiding sin and the occasions of sin. I need you in my heart, come and take possession of me. Fill me with your gifts oh, Holy Spirit.

***More prayers and meditation***

***Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit……. (3x)

*** In the name of the Father and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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