HOMILY: (Mic 5:2-5a; Heb 10:5-10; Lk1:39-45) Final preparation for major celebrations is usually very special. It’s a time to get it right, or lose it. A time to dot the “Is”, and cross the “ts”. A time to look back through the preparati




BY: Fr Uchendu Simeon

Luke 1:39-45

Final preparation for major celebrations is usually very special. It’s a time to get it right, or lose it. A time to dot the “Is”, and cross the “ts”. A time to look back through the preparation, and then, step out for the main event. Christmas is by the corner, and so, we now tidy up this Advent preparation. That is why this day is very special. On the first Sunday of advent, God promised to fulfil his promise of sending the messiah (Jer 33:14 ff). On the Second Sunday, he announced the mission of this messiah which to remove the garment of sorrow and affliction(Bar 5:1). Last Sunday, he asked us to rejoice because this messiah will surely come(Phil 4:4), and today, the question comes, “am I really part of his agenda? Who does his mission really concern? The answer? He is for all. God for all.


The first reading (Micah 5:2-5a) said that, that he will come from Bethlehem, a little town in the district of Ephrathah in the clan of Judah. That statement reminded me of the story one of our lecturers in the seminary told us. He said, when he was little, and his elder siblings were grown up. He used to come back from school before them. His mum would prepare their lunch and keep before going back to the farm. She will keep that of his siblings covered, on top of the table. But because he was little, and comes back earlier, she’ll keep his own on a small stool(seat), and cover it with a big bowl. Her reason was for him to also be able to have access to his food. This is the plan of God here.

Bethlehem was little. Getting to the little one means they too have value. It means that God loves them inspite of themselves and whatever that has made them little. It implies that no one is left out. He, from on high, had crossed through every height and barrier, and brought the graces so low that everyone is considered. He is God for all. All the little one need to do is look around, and open up. All the great need to do is bend down and embrace.

So, who are the little ones of God? It is that person(s), land or country that are neglected or looked down upon like Bethlehem. It is that child, boy or girl, man or woman that doesn’t see anything special in him or herself yet is hearing this message like that of the Angel to the Blessed Mother(Lk 1:29). Yes, it is that person like little Mary who isn’t sure what really is happening. People are rejoicing and preparing for celebrations, yet her world is changing. Maybe because she was praying too much, maybe not, but she is suddenly pregnant, her body is changing, her hopeful marriage is at risk, societal shame is by the corner, because she is not like them. The little one is that person like Elizabeth in our gospel who doesn’t have it all. She’s good and devout, the husband is a priest, yet no child(Lk 1:36). We are all his little ones. I tell you something; this message, this God, this Messiah, this Christmas is for you.

Some concise lessons;
*Don’t count yourself out; Even if you have not been coming to church for whatever reason. I tell you; you are the reason for his coming. You are yet special.
*Prepare that little you, and your little environment: Yes, prepare to celebrate, that place is special to Him. Clothe yourself in his love.
*Encourage that little one you know: The best way for Jesus to encourage John the Baptist was to come his level(the womb), and visit him in the womb, and he leapt for joy. For Mary, it was to visit Elizabeth. For Elizabeth, it was to say words of blessings and encouragement upon Mary by the Holy Spirit
Let us share joy. Stand up now and sing with me; #We are one holy family, we one holy family, we are one in the Lord (3x). God bless


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