BY: Fr Cyril Unachukwu
HOMILY Theme: In His days Justice shall flourish and great peace forever!
Every preparation in life has something within which gives it meaning and which keeps the mind aflame and firm to courageously dispose of things unnecessary and undeserving, and to humbly acquire the things necessary to accomplish the purpose of our preparation.
May the Holy Spirit infuse in us this courage and humility to make a worthy preparation this Advent and everyday of our lives through Christ our Lord, Amen.
One of the strongest impulses within us to make a fitting preparation during every Advent Season is the identity of the personality we are preparing to receive.
This identity and His many
qualities are what the Prophet Isaiah in the First Reading (Isaiah 11:1-10) relays to us this morning.
He is not just “from the stock of Jesse” but also a just Judge who “does not judge by appearances, and he gives no verdict on hearsay.”
To classify the judge in this prophecy as an ordinary human judge would be the greatest fallacy of all times because every human judge gives verdict from appearance and hearsay.
Hence, here is something greater than Solomon; pointing to the divine identity of this Man of the moment “simul Deus et homo” (at the same time God and Man).
His sovereignty gives rise to these unimaginable moments which we saw in this prophecy of Isaiah.
The order, peace, harmony and serenity which God originally created in the Garden of Eden and which our first parents (Adam and Eve) destroyed through disobedience and which only God can restore through His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ the Emmanuel for whom we are in this mood of preparation.
The Psalmist makes it clearer, “in His days shall justice flourish and great peace forever.”
The moment we find ourselves is a period of preparation for “His Day”; that Great Day of days.
This day we are speaking of is the day of return to God’s original order at creation; it is the day filled with harmony within the whole of creation; and most importantly it is the day in which “justice shall flourish and great peace forever.”
Our preparation for that great day would be incomplete without a perfect introspection of our disposition to justice and peace since these two are its necessary ingredients.
This introspection would assist us to truly prepare the way of the Lord and to make His path straight within us as we heard from the voice of the Baptist in the Gospel (Mtt 3:1-12); and through us to all those around us.
The virtue of Justice and the state of Peace must be deeply rooted in us as a sincere sign of our preparation for the advent of God.
The world is in dare need of justice and of people who are just in their dealings with one another.
One of the greatest needs of the world also is peace and the determinative move by all to maintain a peaceful order as willed by God.
God is Just in all His ways and He is the King of Peace; it behooves on us to shun every form of selfish frivolities and sue for Justice and Peace.
The best way to support and vote for the sovereignty that will surely enthrone Justice and Peace which the world earnestly desires is to sue for Justice and Peace by being just in our actions and peaceful in our dispositions.
Since God is the God of Justice and Peace, the advent of God is the advent of Justice and Peace and we radically exclude ourselves if we fail to prepare ourselves by eschewing every form of injustice and disruption in us.
May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant us to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; Amen.
Happy Sunday
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