HOMILY THEME: “For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy.” (Luke 1:44)
BY: Fr. Robert deLeon, CSC
As once again I flipped through my address book in preparation for the yearly sending of Christmas cards, I came across his name—Shaun. A student of mine 42 years ago, I’ve kept his name in the address book mostly so that I won’t forget his gift to me as a young teacher. Indeed, what he gave me was a life-long lesson, and I want to be sure I never forget him and that gift. In truth, Shaun never meant to offer me anything except the day-by-day challenge of instructing him. But God’s grace seems to turn up in strange places and through strange messengers.
September 1976, Freshman English, Room 236: we faced-off as student and teacher for the first time. Shaun found academics a challenge; in fact, he’d repeated an earlier grade because of this. But he’d compensated for his poor academics with an outgoing and charming personality which, to my chagrin, only encouraged his classmates to join him in his antics. As is always the case when a squeaky wheel turns up the volume, I seemed forever to be glaring his way and yelling his name —“Shaun!”
His first quarter grade was a 65%, and I’d stretched the numbers a bit to drag him to that minimum passing point. Somewhere during the second quarter, though, I began to see something in Shaun that was, until now, well hidden: He really did want to be a good student but didn’t think it was possible. Once I saw this flicker, I knew that it would be an easy thing to fan it into a bright flame. All that second quarter I encouraged him, offering extra help after class, giving lots of positive in-class attention. And it worked! His second quarter grade was 75%, no gifts needed this time.
Now it was getting really exciting! All that third quarter we aimed together for an 85%, an all- time high grade in any subject for Shaun. And though he was still the ever-entertaining class clown, he was also, perhaps for the first time in his life, a serious student. Third quarter ended, and Shaun truly earned an 85%. He was ecstatic; me too! We plotted a fourth-quarter strategy, convinced we could reach a 95% by school’s ending in June.
As fourth quarter bloomed with fresh breezes, the smell of new-budding life and the promise of summer vacation, I suspect that spring fever became our prime deterrent in the home stretch toward a 95%. By 4th quarter’s end, Shaun hadn’t reach the hoped-for goal, my vague recollection placing him in the 80-85% range. But that’s not the point. Not at all!
I saw something in Shaun that he did not see in himself: possibility, potential. And I discovered that in focusing on and encouraging what he could become, what he wanted to become—he did become. Shaun became a true student. Increasing quarterly grades provided him evidence of what might be, of what dreams might come true.
Mary, carrying the as-yet-unborn Jesus, travelled to bring comfort and cheer to her likewise pregnant cousin Elizabeth, who felt a stirring within her at the presence of Jesus. St. Luke puts the words in Elizabeth’s mouth, “For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy.” (Luke 1:44) These many years later, I still remember experiencing a stirring within when I recognized the God-given potential inside Shaun. And when, with my encouragement, it began to blossom, Shaun, too, knew that something of God was stirring within.
What a lesson he taught me; what a gift he brought me! Every Christmastime Shaun reminds me that God’s treasures lie hidden within everyone—yes, every person without exception.
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