Homily for the Feast of St. Andrew
Homily for The Feast of St. Andrew
Theme: They Followed Him.
By: Fr. Gerald M. Musa
Homily forTuesday November 30 2021
Homily for The Feast of St. Andrew
Theme: They Followed Him.
By: Fr. Gerald M. Musa
Homily for Tuesday November 30 2021
We like to follow those they admire, and especially parents, teachers, preachers, and leaders whose teaching and lifestyle are in harmony. Sometimes, we call those we follow our idols, role models, or heroes. Jesus was selective in choosing the companions who will succeed him. He was not just looking for fans, admirers, social media followers, intellectuals, aristocrats, or noble men and women. He was looking for ordinary people with simple but profound qualities. We may not enumerate all the qualities he was looking out for. However, we can see some remarkable qualities in the people he chose: they were busy people (fishermen and they were mending their nets); they were simple; they are patient (as catching fish requires much patience); they made themselves available; they were willing to give up everything (they left everything and followed him); they were ready to make sacrifices, including the ultimate sacrifice of laying down their lives for the sake of the gospel. In summary, to follow Jesus is not just to march behind him, but to follow his lifestyle; to follow him implies leaving behind a fruitless old lifestyle and adopting a more fruitful lifestyle that he offers us. Jesus saw Peter and Andrew catching fish and he said to them, “Follow me.” They left their nets immediately and followed him. To follow Jesus, they gave up something precious to them, which was their source of livelihood. Are we ready and willing to follow him?
Matthew 4:18-22; Tuesday, 1st Week of Advent,
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