Homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
Homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
Theme: Rejoice!
By: Fr. Cajetan Anyanwu
Homily for Sunday January 2 2022

Homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
Theme: Rejoice!
By: Fr. Cajetan Anyanwu
Homily for Sunday January 2 2022
On the 1st day of January 2022, the entire world rejoiced because, God’s mercy has been shown to us all. Another source of our joy is the celebration of Mary Mother of God this Sunday 2nd January 2022. Most remarkably, we rejoice for surviving the COVID-19 variants spreading like wild fire in the last part of 2021. Glory to God in the highest! Happy New year and happy survival to all.
Our Mother Mary is truly the woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ who is true God and true man. Mary’s ‘YES’ to God’s plan has ushered into the world a new beginning, a new indwelling of the Holy Spirit and of God’s grace in the world. We have been protected by Mary’s acceptance of God’s design to give birth to the Savior of the world. We must make a new start to usher into our lives a new heaven and a new earth.
Through the Epiphany of the Lord, we have received God’s blessings in abundance. We must pass this blessing onto those we meet for we have been sanctified by the blood of the Lamb. In Christ Jesus we have become adopted sons and daughters of God. We see ourselves as brothers and sisters of one and the same Father. Like the Magi, let us look for the Star, let us look for peace, let us bring gifts to the Lord. The most precious gift we need in the world today is peace, love and joy. Give these to others and receive yours, amen. Happy New Year and new blessings.
Fr. Cajetan Anyanwu
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