Homily for Thursday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II (2)
Homily for Thursday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II
Theme: If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off.
By: Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA
Homily for Thursday February 24 2022
James 5:1-6
Psalm 48:14-20
Mark 9:41-50

As long as you have repented of your sins and have confessed them, God forgives you. Your past becomes history, and they can no longer stand against you before God.
Homily for Thursday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle II
Theme: If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off.
By: Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA
Homily for Thursday February 24 2022
James 5:1-6
Psalm 48:14-20
Mark 9:41-50
In our first reading of today, we heard the words of St. James speaking against the actions of the rich and the mighty, whom at that time often oppressed and manipulated the poor and the weak for their own selfish desires and benefits. Many of the rich and the powerful often sought to advance their own ambitions and to fulfil their own desires and plans, which often led to the sufferings of others through exploitation and many other things that man often did in order to secure their own advantages and privileges, and which often led to confrontations when their desires were not fulfilled.
In our Gospel passage today, we heard of the Lord reminding His disciples and followers to be good role models in faith, that they should be exemplary in their actions and be inspiration to one another. Their actions and deeds, their words and interactions should not bring about division and scandal to the Church and the faith. Most importantly, they must not mislead and corrupt the innocent faithful and members of the community to the wrong path by their actions. And this is why, it is important for us to discern carefully our path going forward in life, in obeying God and doing what He has commanded us to do.
We are all called to do our best to be the bearers of God’s light and truth in our darkened world today, to be His witnesses among our own communities and in various places we are at.
Dear brethrens, are we willing and able to contribute to the best of our abilities in doing so? Are we able to give our best to the Lord and focus ourselves on Him? The Lord has given us many opportunities, a lot of blessings and talents for us to make use of and to share with those who have need of them. Let us do whatever we can, and wherever we are able to, to help one another to be ever more faithful to God.
Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Help me walk by the Word and not my feelings. Help me to keep my heart pure and undivided. Protect me from my own careless thoughts, words, and actions.
I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!
Fr. Diotacious Chikontwe SMA
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