YEAR A: HOMILY FR TUESDAY OF THE 5TH WEEK OF EASTER Intention for the Day: Prayer that all troubled hearts may find peace within. Amen.

stop worrying and embrace God's peace

A peaceful man is like a child. When he cries, he knows that he would be heard, and fed. All he needs do is cry. All we need do is pray.


Intention for the Day: Prayer that all troubled hearts may find peace within. Amen.

BY: Fr. Cyril Akindele Osadare


HOMILY: Yoruba will say “Ile eni to a ba feran ko kin jina- the house of the person one loves is not always far. There is practically nothing one cannot do for the person one loves. It gives special joy and peace that one can do great for his or her lover or friends. One friend will always promote his friend. This kind of relationship is essential between us and God to navigate the world and focus on God.

Our psalmist today says, your friends will tell the glory of your reign o God. They have nothing that gives them peace and joy and satisfaction except the glory of his reign. That’s what we see in the first reading this morning as Paul despite being almost killed still went on telling of the glory of the reign of God. It wasn’t the case that he wasn’t hurt or pained but there is an inner peace he had from Christ. This is what Jesus offers his disciples today in the gospel not the kind of deceptive peace of the world. But an inner peace that is centered on the master not on what happens around.

My dear friends, in our reflection on peace, we must understand that satisfaction and peace go hand in hand and it’s totally different from comfortability and stress-free. You can be comfortable and have no stress, yet you don’t have peace within you. In fact, the noise within is louder than the noise outside. That’s why the most hardened criminals are easy going people at least to people. But there is a contradictions within them that causes crime and evil. St. Augustine said our hearts are restless until they rest in you Lord. Let us rest our heart and mind in God and look up to him for grace and peace within our hearts.

May the peace of the Lord be with us all. Amen.



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