
It’s unfortunate to wake in the morning rush out of bed to prepare for the day’s activities and scheldules without beginning the most important moments that makes one’s day.

Did I remember I was watched over like a babe under the mother’s care while I slept through the night? Who was my protector? My waking up healthy and sane did I take it for granted? Who gave me health? Did I say thank you to God the reason why I still breathe? Did I commit my life and day into His hands?

Will I forget to consciously take moments during my day today to ask for the directions and leadings of God in all my endeavours and undertakings? Will I appreciate God tonight for blessing my day and asking mercy and pardon for my wrongdoings and then commend my life into His hands before I sleep?

Dear, what a difference prayer can make when offered to God in faith, hope and love! The most important moments of the day in one’s life are the moments we acknowledge in reverence and love our Father in Heaven.

I bless your week in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Amen).


-Fr Abiagom Augustine

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