THE MEANING OF TRUST When we say we trust, what do we really mean? Lots of relationships both on the...
THE MEANING OF TRUST When we say we trust, what do we really mean? Lots of relationships both on the...
FLAME OF CHARITY: A Reflection on the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul. It is not enough to be moved...
REASON TO MOVE ON When it becomes dark, stormy and rainy; a natural bird doesn't fly unless extreme necessity demands...
... HEART AND HAND Why is the symbol of the heart used for love and not any other part of...
JESUS ON THE EMMAUS JOURNEY: THE GRACE OF THE HOLY MASS. In life, times abound when the Emmaus Journey may...
STAND YOUR GROUND ... Your ground is Jesus Christ and righteousness. You must stand your ground when the spirit of...
CHRISTMAS NOT DEVILMAS! The season we are gradually entering into is the most beautiful season of the year. The season...
BEGINNING OF THE END: A December reflection and prayer. Do you realize there is always a beginning to every end?...
THE BLACK SLAVERY IN LIBYA: My thoughts. By: Fr Abiagom Augustine CM When certain things begin to happen it is...
ONE THING YOU MAY DISCOVER... Life could be likened to a Discovery Television Channel because life is an endless book...
THE MEANING OF TRUST When we say we trust, what do we really mean? Lots of relationships both on the...
IN THANKING GOD... We often thank God for all He has done for us and for all He is going...
THE EVIL OF ENVY AND JEOLOUSY... A student once committed an offence anyone would least imagine! As the class prefect,...
... ASSETS THAT REALLY MAKES ONE HUMAN For many of us, mansions, exotic fleets of vehicles, chains of businesses, high...
PLACE OF SAFETY: A Reflection on the Hurricane Maria On the face of every child is the desire for a...
... QUESTION I WAS ASKED There are questions one does not begin anwsering immediately even if the anwser in one's...
ANCIENT WORDS ... Words reasonably spoken or written have the ability to change lives and reconstruct the broken walls of...
"PRAY, HOPE AND DON'T WORRY": Memorable Advice of St.Padre Pio. A good friend of mine and brother who goes by...
THOUGHTS BEYOND THOUGHTS Tomorrow is pregnant and we know not exactly what it would bring forth. However, to the one...
TWO THINGS TO AVOID Good should be done while evil should be avoided. There are many instances of evil to...
LET GO AND LET GOD: A Reflection on forgiveness. There are many areas in our lives in which we need...
YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW: An advice to a friend. Dear, life is not static. It presents us with a past,...
AS LONG AS THE SUN RISES AND SHINES... Everything about God endures forever. Before the beginning God was. What has...
COAT OF MANY COLOURS She was made a coat of many colours by her mother who told her the bible...
HEAVEN: HOME SWEET HOME! We seldom remember Heaven often preoccupied with the passing things of earth. When last did I...
FIRST IDENTIFY: An important revelation. We all seek solutions to one problem or another in our lives. Problems stand as...