... Fulfilment If there is something that all and sundry seek in life, ask "fulfilment" for what that is. Fulfilment...
... Fulfilment If there is something that all and sundry seek in life, ask "fulfilment" for what that is. Fulfilment...
UNDERSTANDING BETTER ... In any faith journey, we do not not seek our own will. When "I" replaces "God's" in...
LOVE OF MONEY Some economists define money with relation to that which it can purchase. In the human world, money...
DEATH IN GOD'S HOUSE: A tribute on the death of the faithful at St. Philip's Ozubulu. Driving home after celebrating...
TO ASK FOR WISDOM... Is it possible not to understand one's request? Have you ever made a request without knowing...
FORGETTING GOD... In the wilderness, the children of Israel exchanged “ELYON” their glory for the image of a bull that...
THERE IS AT LEAST A REASON A man lost his job and was attempting suicide but was caught and sent...
ENTER THE BATHROOM A certain man on a journey was so pressed that his need to use the rest room...
SAFE JOURNEY Called at a filling station to fuel a car. A boy saw me and said to me as...
AT THY FEET I HUMBLY BOW ... The queen of Sheba came from the Southern Arabian Kingdom to learn from...
HOW TO ENJOY PEACEFUL MARRIED LIFE Waking from sleep this morning and waiting on the Lord for a message for...
THE ETERNAL PART OF US. There is a part of us that eternally lives. This eternal part of us is...
GOSPEL NOT TRADE Someone once told me of the hinderance her family is having with relation to having a "man...
MOST NEEDED REST At certain times of the year especially during summer, lots of people take leave for several reasons....
HOW COULD I ASK FOR MORE? (A Reflection on my 3rd Priestly anniversary). When a servant is welcomed to sit...
DON'T EVER FORCE IT! Can there be faith without patience or patience without faith? Many who profess faith today lack...
... DOUBTING OR BELIEVING THOMAS? How do we describe St. Thomas today? We often refer to those who are slow...
THANKFUL ... Concluding his letter to the Romans, St. Paul thanked immensely all those who in one way or another...
ABANDON PRAYER FOR WORK? I have heard someone discredit by his message gone viral the dependency on God through prayer...
THE WILL OF GOD Opened my eyes at dawn with this thought; 'the will of God.' So I write about...
There are lots of stories already known. We often long to listen to stories yet untold and not stories already...
We often behold life with relation to the unfolding of our aspirations and dreams with an imperfect vision. Viewing the...
No matter whom we were, are or will become tomorrow with relation to genuine success; we must always remember we...
One of the most preached gospel in the 21st Century is the Prosperity Gospel. Nearly everyone if not all desire...
Woke from sleep with the memory of two soldiers who visited me during a counseling session requesting for prayers as...
The human person is not created to be a loner. Thus, good relationship with fellow human beings make life meaningful...
WHEN WE APOLOGIZE! We sometimes find it difficult to say 'SORRY' especially when we strongly feel we have done nothing...