Christ in all his glory and kingship was a simple man while on earth. Although he was a true king, he associated freely with tax collectors and sinners. Not because he was in support of their way of life but because the only way a mother can teach a child to walk is by being there to teach him in the first place. A doctor who wants to heal sick people would have to spend time with them treating, and observing them. Through his teaching and miracles, Jesus converted many souls and enlightened them about the living and true God. He depicted his kingship not by bragging or sitting in high places but by carrying the people along and taking care of their physical and spiritual needs. He even washed the feet of his apostles at some point to illustrate to them the true meaning of leadership.

Although He is the king of heaven and earth; although he reminded them time and again that he is the son of God; and not only that, but that He and the father are one John 10: 30; although he worked thousands of miracles; the people still did not accept him as their saviour and king. Although some accepted him, some didn’t. Some called him John the Baptist, while some called him Jeremiah, and others called him Elijah Matthew 16: 14.

Even on the cross when he was thirsty; he wasn’t offered the best of wines associated with noble kings, he was offered vinegar – sour wine. This showed the extent of the blindness of the people.

Three hours before he died, the earth was covered in great darkness and after his death, the curtain hanging in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; the earth shook, rocks split apart, the graves broke open and many of God’s people who had died were raised to life Matthew 27: 45-53. These signs were so great and unbelievable. It made them realise that truly, they had just killed the son of God Matthew 27: 54.

Today, Christians all over the world proclaim Jesus as their king. Not only that, they also believe that they have inherited his kingship and have become kings themselves. Yes, it is true, we are no longer slaves, but God’s children, and since we are his children, God will give us all that he has for his children Galatians 4: 7. Truth be told we all are kings; royal, noble kings who should be in control of our lives. We are kings therefore, we should rule all our senses, all our passions, all our yearnings and not be subject to them.

A true Christian holds the sceptre and staff with which he rules his senses; he is never a slave to sin but a victorious king who through constant prayers and good works, overcomes the temptations of this world and triumphs over them. A true king is one who answers only to his maker and desires only to please him. A true king is ruthless to the evils of this world and bans evil from his heart and his surroundings. Evil has no place in the heart of a true king.

Yes we are kings, we have inherited our kingship from our Lord Jesus, let us pray daily, for God’s holy wisdom, that we may remain in total control of our lives through his grace and not become slaves to sin. Amen

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