The virtue Of Forgiveness


If God, holy as He is, forgives the sins of unrepentant sinners, how much more you who are unworthy? Would you not forgive the sins of your brothers?

To err is human and to forgive is divine. Although the heart of man is desperately wicked, and at some point, God regretted creating man as result of man’s atrocities Genesis 6: 6; however, God still keeps us alive and He still loves us.

Although despite His crucifixion and death, man has remained unrepentant, committing various atrocities, and denying that God’s laws are indeed for man to obey; God still loves us and His grace still abounds for our sake.

If God, holy as He is, forgives the sins of unrepentant sinners, how much more you who are unworthy? Would you not forgive the sins of your brothers? Christ told the hypocrites; “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8: 7. The fact that none was worthy enough to cast a stone at the adulterer goes a long way to show that everyone is guilty in the eyes of God.

Now how do you think God would look at you when he finds out that you, who has a pile of sin waiting to be washed is busy keeping malice with another person. The fact that someone hurts you is not enough reason to withhold love from that person; after all, we hurt God every day and yet he loves us unceasingly, treating us like His children.

God sends down sun and rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous, learn from Him. If you only love those who love you or greet only those who are good to you, what reward would you get? Even the tax collectors do that. We are called to be perfect just as our father in heaven is perfect. He loves and cares for both the good and the bad. We are called to do the same. Matthew 5: 44 – 48


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