BY: Bishop Tom McKenna cross


HOMILY: Amos 8: 4-7 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2: 1-7 Luke 16: 10-13
Focus on the reading from Luke:
What does the word “trust” mean? When you look in a good dictionary, you’ll find one of the longest definitions cited. All of the meanings listed are based on a person having confidence in someone or something. That relies on the reliability of the truth being told at least as best as the teller can say based on sound evidence uncovered.

We all say we know or have a person we trust. Who is the first among those you trust comes to mind? Has that person ever let you down? Like it or not you probably would answer, “yes” to that question. Then ask yourself, “Has that confidence been renewed?” Maybe it has. Then recall if you have forgiven that individual or others who caused you to have doubts. If you have that does not mean you have forgotten the cause for doubting. What is does mean is that you have tried to keep the teachings of Jesus as a driving power in your spiritual life.

Trust also plays a significant role in how we conduct our daily and long term business. When I was young, my father and mother took me to Sears, Roebuck store to buy most of my clothes and shoes. May Dad also went there to buy work clothes and some tools. When I asked why we went to Sears so often when many other stores were not too far away, he told me using the Sears slogan. “Satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back!” They did keep that promise for many years and for millions of customers. Ask yourself, “Do I go to stores now that make that promise?”

Some of us are old enough to remember other examples when a business lost the trust of their customers. Some automobiles and truck made by General Motors and some other manufacturers were made with some defective parts that they were called “lemons.” That term meant they looked pretty but the looks deceived the buyer into not getting the reliability they expected. After long legal battles, most of the companies repented and gave the customers repayments or replacements with good products.

In this time for upcoming elections not only in the United States but in many other countries, who among the candidates can the voters believe and how fully can we trust them.
Trust can be polluted by doubts. What can we do to reduce doubts? Jesus gave us an answer. “Hear what I have said and see what I have done.” Thus we have to do our homework. But in so doing can we exclude points of view we do not like? Truth is seldom so crystal clear. So in the gospel reading taken from Luke for this Sunday, we read Jesus telling us, “If you can trust a man in little things, you can also trust him in greater. Anyone unjust in a slight matter is also unjust in greater. If you cannot be trusted with exclusive wealth, who will trust you with lasting? And if you have not been trust worthy with someone else’s money. who will give you what is your own?
… You cannot give yourself to God and money.”

So Jesus tells us to be vigilant. We must look out for false prophets. We must become well informed and see who is speaking from truths grounded in Jesus’s two essential commandments of love for God and neighbor. And last pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit when we want to make a long term commitment. That requires prayer and then the courage to do what we should.
Trust requires work.

Thought for the Day:
Some of are happy to that Autumn is arriving tomorrow. The change in seasons for me is a delight. Just as in our lives changes in seasons bring there own situations: some predictable, others not. But since we know this, preparations for the changes can make them much safer and perhaps even fun. But the colors of changing tree leaves is the setting for thanks to God for the beauty in nature.

Prayer Intentions for Sunday:
Most loving Lord, we ask your blessing on those who have been sorely afflicted by manmade and/or natural disasters. Please inspire your disciples to do what they can to offer help.
Lord of Mercy and Healing, please comfort those who are ill and suffering in mind and body of that illness. May they receive the appropriate help needed to become well or to deal with their suffering with the hope of joining you in heaven.

Many people lack health insurance because they cannot afford it. Thus they put off seeking medical care for their illnesses and them to be sicker longer and with greater financial cost . Lord, please let all of us come to regard health care as right for all people at all stages in their lifetime journey and then develop ways and means to make this happen.
Lord, let peace based on your love and following your commandments come to our world very soon.

Final Word:
Tolkein wrote, “Never laugh at live dragons.”
Have a restful Sunday if possible.
+ Bishop Tom McKenna cross



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