Life is a book with several pages. As dusk turns dawn in the journey of life so the pages of our respective life’s book open. We awake somedays to realize our book has been turned to a beautiful page and we smile. At other times, we go to bed with the awareness that our book has opened to an ugly page and we cry.
Many make life a station whenever an ugly page opens in their life’s book. Life is a journey and requires a continuous movement; a steady opening of new pages in our book of life. On what page in our life’s book are we are at this time?
Perhaps, no beautiful page has ever open in your life’s book. Perhaps, you are used to opening joyful pages but in recent times pages of sorrow has been your lot. Here is a message from LOVE; never allow the ugly pages that opens up in your life’s book discourage you from opening the next page. Your book contains a page of lasting joy and peace which God’s Love has designed for you.
Dear, open the next page!